Big Data Florida

Big Data Florida


Stan Mlynarczyk, CTO of Chicago Technologies Inc.

Text Analytics in a Big Data World

Monday, January 11, 2016 at 5:30pm

Text Analytics in a Big Data World (Click for PDF Slides)

The digital world is full of text containing hidden information. The challenge is identifying patterns of interest buried in the unstructured data and turning it into business intelligence. When the dataset is ginormous, the problem becomes one of big data text analytics – and it’s increasingly important in today’s data-driven enterprise.

This talk will provide an overview big data text analytics, including a summary of the major industrial players and ongoing research initiatives. Topics to be discussed include semantic analysis, near real-time (streaming), and issues related to tool adoption at scale. The business case for text analytics will also be presented.

About the Speaker

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Stan Mlynarczyk has a broad background in technology that includes UNIX operating systems development at Bell Laboratories, system development, application development, databases, BigData, Enterprise Architecture, Artificial Intelligence, Text Analytics, Natural Language Processing, Network and System Performance, Fault Tolerant Systems and Disaster Recovery. His educational background includes a BS in Electrical Engineering from the University of Illinois, an MS from DePaul University and a PhD In Artificial Intelligence/Natural Laguage Processing from DePaul University. Stan currently holds the position of CTO at Chicago Technologies Incorporated, a text analytics product company (